Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I have written a famine play which has been highly praised I also am anxious to do blogs.

and tweet every morning. I just wonder if there is a market for well-crafted blogs. I have

a number of other activities which might be interesting to you I have a  Masters Degree

Film Studies and a number of other scripts besides the Sham Sagart. I have a short script

suitable for animation. Hoping to hear from you I could email you a copy of the scripts if you are

interested. email to rexlee@eircom.net or shanequinlan@gmail.com

Friday, May 30, 2008

A Job Well Done

At last my film script is finished. It has been a monumental work involving rising of a winter's morning and knowing there is just so much creative work you can do in a day. However, the script is worth it, at least to my mind. It is set in the McCarthy era in the USA and concerns three young Harvard students who get caught up in the witchhunt hearings.

It is the story of friendship and fractured love, a story of privilege and madness as some of the characters are driven relentlesslty to their doom. It is a tale of betrayal and passion. The script has now been delivered to my agent in the USA. She seems to like my dedication to the craft of writing. Having finished, there is something magical about the way in which the story is told in vignettes. You have the privileged students of the Harvard Law School, Professor Wainwright and his family, the always distraught and temperamental Irish-American actress, her husband and her long-suffering son. Then there is Washington Price, the small holder orange-grower and the ill-health he suffers due to his being forced to work for the large plantation owners.

I am also interested in disseminating information about Irish history and culture. To this purpose I have put together a collection of two DVDs and three good local histories. One of the DVDs records a powerful yet dark drama while the other is a gritty urban comedy. The three histories give an insight into life in historical Co Meath. A fourth book is the re-publication of a memoir by Jim Connell, the author of The Red Flag.

I would be pleased to hear from anyone with queries or requests for more information about purchases. DVDs are for sale in the USA and Canada only.